ELECTRONIC PRESS KIT: Click here for a zip file (1.3 MB) containing a one-sheet press release, cover art, and lyrics for the "Statement of Intent" 4-song EP.
Tom X. Chao has released a total of 10 songs, the 4 newest on the "Statement of Intent" EP. Please listen, like, comment, and/or purchase on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and most major streaming services. Tom's other songs include: "Woman, I'm an Asshole," "I Wish I Were Pretty," and "The Only Record" EP featuring "The People We Know," "Now (Atmospheric Conditions)," "Debster-mania," and "Closing Theme."
As-yet unrecorded songs: Fans of Tom's theater shows will remember "Culture Jamming!" from The Negative Energy Field, "Cannot Be Denied" from Cats Can See the Devil, and "Lower Your Standards" from The Shark Show's 1st Annual Battle of the Funny Bands. Those will be recorded someday.